Monday, November 21, 2011

The New Team Sport

The New Team Sport

Perhaps politics should no longer be played as if it were a team sport? As if it were university football teams facing off at the Homecoming game. The investment could move, then, from the beliefs which invoke “MY team,” “God’s on MY/OUR side,” and “victory—I win/you lose,” “my team’s better than yours,” and “crush the opponent”—or, simply, “the opponent experience” as a fundamental foundation of manifest reality—to something more productive for the whole.

When the primary assumption moves—diagonally, perhaps—to the common understanding that we create our own reality, what glories life lays before itself: A lovely, light-bathed boulevard of possibility, free from obstacles, going everywhere; everywhere, freely. Smoothly stretching into an extraordinarily fertile, enervating, ever-creatively expanding horizon whose definition remains, always, energetically vibrating with plasticity.

Revolving eternal dawn-sunset: The light in our lives would be so magical. So full of revelatory beauty, it would take our breath away, and jerk our attention inward. That internal examination would reveal such inner beauty that our opened eyes could project onto our communal highway a feeling of gratitude.

And that, then—gratitude—becomes our new team sport.

How many of us would not make the team cut in that game? For who do you know can find it impossible to say “thank you”?

©2011, Paul Martin. 
All rights reserved. May be used with attribution, but not for profit, without permission.

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