I just got this off Yahoo. All you BBC listeners shut up. We know who the best news delivery organization in the world is, as well. However, watch out, BBC, here comes Al Jazeera. Anyway, here’s the news flash I just read off Yahoo. Blimey, the thought that I would get my news off the web is excruciating. But I must admit it. And revel in it. I am really enjoying the way people are taking reality in their own hands. Filling their hearts and minds and intention with the way they want to see it and then going out and making it real.
It is inspiring.
Here it is, this time, for real: “CAIRO – State TV says President Hosni Mubarak will speak to the nation Thursday night from his palace in Cairo. The announcement comes after Egypt's military proclaimed on national television that it stepped in to ‘safeguard the country’ and assured protesters that Mubarak will meet their demands. In Washington, the CIA chief said there was a "strong likelihood" Mubarak will step down Thursday.”
The army has chosen. And so it will be.
Beyond that, though, it goes right back to two things which have brought Egypt to the point of building democracy’s foundation right before our eyes: The right of people to gather in public without fear of governmental reprisals of any kind and with the protection of the authorities; and a military directed by civilians.
Ok, so it’s a bit shaky. And the end result is not going to look, to us, like what we pride ourselves in, a “Western Democracy”. But it is going to end up a participating democracy in the vision of Egyptians. But, when you were a baby, did you jump up and strut your stuff like you were running up the steps of the Metropolitan Museum on your way to the annual fundraiser in your smart tuxedo and your patent leather shoes?
Bloody right you didn’t. You didn’t wear shoes, for a start. Your little feet, with their tiny toes curling, stomping down on their sides, your little bowed legs bandying about, your butt padded.
But, once you were up: Watch out world!
Everything had to be child-proofed, right?
In Egypt it is time to child-proof things a bit. I see the continuance of the incredibly positive attitude of everyone over there. I see the women taking charge more strongly, for this is a “revolution” which is an “evolution” as well. It comes at a time when women, en mass, around the globe are growing so fast they are able to go from crawling to running up those steps in one sweet move. It can only be imagined what possibilities there are in store for their country, if Egyptian women—as I hear them wanting to do—take their energy, desire and will and create a new society for themselves and their men-folk.
The steps have to be coordinated carefully. The inclusion of students, intellectuals, religious leaders, women and industrial and business leaders is imperative. It is important for the Egyptians to watch very closely who emerges from Tahrir Square as “spokesperson”, because the downfall of the whole project could be inherent in whether that person is chosen because they have politicked themselves to the fore, or whether they were genuinely involved in the “movement” of the Egyptian people from the beginning, when they took the web and used it as a tool for creating and preserving freedom.
Finally, and this is where the women will be doubly important in encouraging everyone to have compassion and kindness and forgiveness in their hearts and minds, Egyptians have to engage in the “Nelson Mandela” process of Truth and Reconciliation which transformed South Africa. And, judging from the way the World Cup went and the amount of people from around the world who went there and were welcomed with open hearts in a democratic and energetic country with free speech, the right to gather and a military in the hands of the civilians for it, the revolutionary evolution in that country was pretty successful and came out of very similar circumstances to the ones Egyptians find themselves in, today.
Most fundamentally important is that we stop messing about and that no-one interferes with the Egyptians’ learning to walk.
And, that we continue to use the web for what it is so perfectly suited to: The evolving revolution.
©2010, Paul Martin.
All rights reserved. May be used with attribution, but not for profit, without permission.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Sitting on the Fence With a Sympathetic General
Maybe I just woke up. I don’t know. But one thing I feel obligated to do right now is play news analyst for a moment, in these momentous and tempestuous times as North Africa seems to be blowing up in everybody’s face.
I point our attention to Egypt.
From what appeared a solemn, intelligent and thought-out response to the desperation felt by the general populace regarding the possibility of the president running for election yet again, came a peaceful cry for some sort of democracy. A dignified cry for real elections for a change. A very simple cry for change.
Now, it appears, the country has lost its temper. Egyptians seem to have degenerated into a hissing, snapping snake. Camels and horses, whips and chains, bricks, bits of concrete and clubs being flung on every side. Blood. A vile brew in Cairo’s Tahrir square, where world media has its attention directed, today.
Only yesterday we were hearing of fathers journeying from far flung, outlying provinces, to get into the square in support of their sons and daughters, saying, “Our generation could not say ‘No!’ to Mubarak, but that of our sons and my daughters has done it. I am here in support of them and their efforts.”
Only yesterday we heard of mothers and daughters, sisters and aunts flocking to the square in everything from full burqa to high heels and chic French sweater-sets, talking about change, singing about change, laughing, peacefully, joyfully and communally in a square where no harm could come to any, for it was the will of the people. It was OUR will. Collectively. For freedom. For humanity.
Only yesterday, the Egyptian army stood around the outskirts of the square, manned the checkpoints and, generally, provided that rock of steadiness the police lost from the very beginning. A benign power, stretching in the sun.
Then, again, yesterday, the object of Egypt’s calamitous moments, The Mubarak, made his move.
And what an absolutely predictable move it was. He got on television to say he wouldn’t run again, but—at the same time—he wouldn’t leave, either. Total and utter BS from a man trying to protect his and his peoples’ interests. And believing—as all despots do as they enter the twilights of their thrall—that with one simple phone call to the secret policeman and another to the general, “might” will rein in the errant populace as it has always done.
6,000 people descend on Cairo airport to escape with their ill-gotten booty. And, meanwhile, The Mubarak and his henchmen are forced to ramp up the lowest division of young thugs, relatives of former supporters, and the odd mercenary lying around, to get their boots stuck into the folk in Tahrir Square and play for time. Because, surprise, surprise, for some reason, the army is staying neutral.
Right there: That’s the key to the discovery that it’s all over for the despot. When the army does nothing as his name is defamed far and wide and—the worst of all possible scenarios for despots—people take to the streets voluntarily, spontaneously, without fear and without payment, the end is near.
If The Mubarak had been in his prime, this would have been TianAnMen Square, already, not Tahrir Square in transition, its cobbles being pulled up by hand. The tanks would have simply driven over the demonstrators and within a year diplomatic relations would have been reestablished with every donating western nation, and everybody would be happily back to trying to bring peace to the middle east and talking about whether or not the existence of Israel is in or out of this or that constitution.
But, today, it’s a different story. I think the army is biding its time, and. since there’s no sign of any other branch of the Egyptian armed forces, there must be tacit agreement and the army is taking the lead on this one..
The army is sitting on the fence, awaiting the critical mass for change to take over. At this moment, the generals do not want to do anything. And judging from the pictures of the square, I wouldn’t want to do anything if I was in the army and anywhere near any of the demonstrations, either. Talk about outnumbered.
The generals are choosing their moment.
Pretty soon they will quiet everyone down if they absolutely have to. Then they’ll either take over for themselves or back someone like ElBaradei as a new president.
Hopefully, whoever they back and however it happens, the end result will be a more open, more free, more communicative and more democratic system for the people of Egypt, so they can live without fear in a society which is supportive of their efforts to provide for themselves and their families. Maybe the generals are sympathetic to that kind of thinking and have finally had enough of despotism. That would be heavenly.
And, it would be one of the great essences of democracy: Armed forces under civilian leadership.
The next move is really in the hands of the Egyptian Armed Forces. Whichever way you look at it.
©2010, Paul Martin.
All rights reserved. May be used with attribution, but not for profit, without permission.
I point our attention to Egypt.
From what appeared a solemn, intelligent and thought-out response to the desperation felt by the general populace regarding the possibility of the president running for election yet again, came a peaceful cry for some sort of democracy. A dignified cry for real elections for a change. A very simple cry for change.
Now, it appears, the country has lost its temper. Egyptians seem to have degenerated into a hissing, snapping snake. Camels and horses, whips and chains, bricks, bits of concrete and clubs being flung on every side. Blood. A vile brew in Cairo’s Tahrir square, where world media has its attention directed, today.
Only yesterday we were hearing of fathers journeying from far flung, outlying provinces, to get into the square in support of their sons and daughters, saying, “Our generation could not say ‘No!’ to Mubarak, but that of our sons and my daughters has done it. I am here in support of them and their efforts.”
Only yesterday we heard of mothers and daughters, sisters and aunts flocking to the square in everything from full burqa to high heels and chic French sweater-sets, talking about change, singing about change, laughing, peacefully, joyfully and communally in a square where no harm could come to any, for it was the will of the people. It was OUR will. Collectively. For freedom. For humanity.
Only yesterday, the Egyptian army stood around the outskirts of the square, manned the checkpoints and, generally, provided that rock of steadiness the police lost from the very beginning. A benign power, stretching in the sun.
Then, again, yesterday, the object of Egypt’s calamitous moments, The Mubarak, made his move.
And what an absolutely predictable move it was. He got on television to say he wouldn’t run again, but—at the same time—he wouldn’t leave, either. Total and utter BS from a man trying to protect his and his peoples’ interests. And believing—as all despots do as they enter the twilights of their thrall—that with one simple phone call to the secret policeman and another to the general, “might” will rein in the errant populace as it has always done.
6,000 people descend on Cairo airport to escape with their ill-gotten booty. And, meanwhile, The Mubarak and his henchmen are forced to ramp up the lowest division of young thugs, relatives of former supporters, and the odd mercenary lying around, to get their boots stuck into the folk in Tahrir Square and play for time. Because, surprise, surprise, for some reason, the army is staying neutral.
Right there: That’s the key to the discovery that it’s all over for the despot. When the army does nothing as his name is defamed far and wide and—the worst of all possible scenarios for despots—people take to the streets voluntarily, spontaneously, without fear and without payment, the end is near.
If The Mubarak had been in his prime, this would have been TianAnMen Square, already, not Tahrir Square in transition, its cobbles being pulled up by hand. The tanks would have simply driven over the demonstrators and within a year diplomatic relations would have been reestablished with every donating western nation, and everybody would be happily back to trying to bring peace to the middle east and talking about whether or not the existence of Israel is in or out of this or that constitution.
But, today, it’s a different story. I think the army is biding its time, and. since there’s no sign of any other branch of the Egyptian armed forces, there must be tacit agreement and the army is taking the lead on this one..
The army is sitting on the fence, awaiting the critical mass for change to take over. At this moment, the generals do not want to do anything. And judging from the pictures of the square, I wouldn’t want to do anything if I was in the army and anywhere near any of the demonstrations, either. Talk about outnumbered.
The generals are choosing their moment.
Pretty soon they will quiet everyone down if they absolutely have to. Then they’ll either take over for themselves or back someone like ElBaradei as a new president.
Hopefully, whoever they back and however it happens, the end result will be a more open, more free, more communicative and more democratic system for the people of Egypt, so they can live without fear in a society which is supportive of their efforts to provide for themselves and their families. Maybe the generals are sympathetic to that kind of thinking and have finally had enough of despotism. That would be heavenly.
And, it would be one of the great essences of democracy: Armed forces under civilian leadership.
The next move is really in the hands of the Egyptian Armed Forces. Whichever way you look at it.
©2010, Paul Martin.
All rights reserved. May be used with attribution, but not for profit, without permission.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Of Reagan, American Enterprise and Walking Like An Egyptian
I got an email, today. From someone whose name I cannot pronounce—spelled “Reince Priebus”—(and who is Chairman of the Republican National Committee, he says, no less). I have no idea how he and I became correspondents. Could it be because, in my errant youth, thinking I was going to work cheek-by-jowl with Norm Ornstein (a hero at the time, and, still an unbelievably lucid, well researched and informative commentator, news analyst and “resident scholar”), I interned at that bastion of reactionary politics, The American Enterprise Institute? That’s relevant and germane to the discussion I am laboring to get off the ground, here, by the way.
The American Enterprise Institute was the holy of holies during the so-called “Reagan Revolution.”
Under this organization’s auspices and through its sister organizations, the “Star Wars” defense system and “Iran Contra” were cooked up, along with what became known, variously, as “Voodoo Economics”, “Supply-side Economics” and “Trickle Down Theory”, massive national debt, and what became the largest Federal Government in history, up to that point—despite the fact that this was the same institution which wrote the lip-service, lip-synced script on reducing government that every Republican lawmaker worth their salt was spouting then and is still spouting, today. Although the Republican spout is turned rather more toward the Tea Party for inspiration at the moment, perhaps, I fear the AEI will be at the heart of things, in right-wing US politics, forever and ever, amen.
I was a lamb fed to the wolves over there. For their member newsletter, they had me review a book one of their “fellows” had just written about the Red Cross and how their vetting and control system for collecting blood was flawed and would contribute, hugely, to the AIDS epidemic. Here I was, a young liberal college journalist, wet behind the ears and dewey-eyed, thrown to the right and asked to attack that bastion of social order (in my mind at the time), The Red Cross. Stabbed to the heart of my First Amendment beliefs and having to bear up under the strain of having them challenged at my own hand. And I only got to hang with Norm twice.
So this Reince dude writes me that it’s time to pull up our socks and contribute a few necessaries to the impending Reagan Centennial Celebration, “Oh! Lawdy, Lawdy! I must go! Gawd Almighty Hisself is one hunnert years ole!!!!!!!”
I don’t know what Reagan did, really. I do know that he was probably the first sitting president of the US to actually be completely out of his mind, literally, while in office. I don’t know who, actually held the reins for him. I do know that he’s credited with breaking down Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” and bringing Democracy to the world. (Never mind, Greece.) At least, according to the “left-leaning, East Coast, liberal elite media” (as the AEI was wont to call the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The San Francisco Chronicle, CBS, ABC and any other media outlet they disagreed with).
This sort of thinking brought me around to a conversation I had with Keith Richards on a pent house roof in Manhattan around the time the Berlin Wall was pulled down by German hands on either side of it.
“Politicians say the wall came down because people want Democracy,” KR said. “That’s bullshit. It came down because the kids want rock and roll and jeans. The music brought that wall down, man. The music.”
And I look at images coming out of Tunisia, where the men and women in the street kicked out the despot Ben Ali, and see a beautiful handmade poster waving above a crowd of beatific faces, declaring, “Power To The People” in handwritten English script.
And I look at images coming out of Cairo, today, and see another wonderful sign, hand-painted, screaming “We Want Internet”.
And another, slightly more toned-down, saying “We Walk Like Egyptians”.
And I think to myself, “Politicians have nothing to do with anything but promoting the interests of the monied classes."
Today, as I look at this email from ‘what’s his name?’ I think, “The Internet is finally reaching its true potential to be the great equalizer in this world.
"But, yeah, Keith, it was the music which brought the wall down.”
©2010, Paul Martin.
All rights reserved. May be used with attribution, but not for profit, without permission.
The American Enterprise Institute was the holy of holies during the so-called “Reagan Revolution.”
Under this organization’s auspices and through its sister organizations, the “Star Wars” defense system and “Iran Contra” were cooked up, along with what became known, variously, as “Voodoo Economics”, “Supply-side Economics” and “Trickle Down Theory”, massive national debt, and what became the largest Federal Government in history, up to that point—despite the fact that this was the same institution which wrote the lip-service, lip-synced script on reducing government that every Republican lawmaker worth their salt was spouting then and is still spouting, today. Although the Republican spout is turned rather more toward the Tea Party for inspiration at the moment, perhaps, I fear the AEI will be at the heart of things, in right-wing US politics, forever and ever, amen.
I was a lamb fed to the wolves over there. For their member newsletter, they had me review a book one of their “fellows” had just written about the Red Cross and how their vetting and control system for collecting blood was flawed and would contribute, hugely, to the AIDS epidemic. Here I was, a young liberal college journalist, wet behind the ears and dewey-eyed, thrown to the right and asked to attack that bastion of social order (in my mind at the time), The Red Cross. Stabbed to the heart of my First Amendment beliefs and having to bear up under the strain of having them challenged at my own hand. And I only got to hang with Norm twice.
So this Reince dude writes me that it’s time to pull up our socks and contribute a few necessaries to the impending Reagan Centennial Celebration, “Oh! Lawdy, Lawdy! I must go! Gawd Almighty Hisself is one hunnert years ole!!!!!!!”
I don’t know what Reagan did, really. I do know that he was probably the first sitting president of the US to actually be completely out of his mind, literally, while in office. I don’t know who, actually held the reins for him. I do know that he’s credited with breaking down Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” and bringing Democracy to the world. (Never mind, Greece.) At least, according to the “left-leaning, East Coast, liberal elite media” (as the AEI was wont to call the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The San Francisco Chronicle, CBS, ABC and any other media outlet they disagreed with).
This sort of thinking brought me around to a conversation I had with Keith Richards on a pent house roof in Manhattan around the time the Berlin Wall was pulled down by German hands on either side of it.
“Politicians say the wall came down because people want Democracy,” KR said. “That’s bullshit. It came down because the kids want rock and roll and jeans. The music brought that wall down, man. The music.”
And I look at images coming out of Tunisia, where the men and women in the street kicked out the despot Ben Ali, and see a beautiful handmade poster waving above a crowd of beatific faces, declaring, “Power To The People” in handwritten English script.
And I look at images coming out of Cairo, today, and see another wonderful sign, hand-painted, screaming “We Want Internet”.
And another, slightly more toned-down, saying “We Walk Like Egyptians”.
And I think to myself, “Politicians have nothing to do with anything but promoting the interests of the monied classes."
Today, as I look at this email from ‘what’s his name?’ I think, “The Internet is finally reaching its true potential to be the great equalizer in this world.
"But, yeah, Keith, it was the music which brought the wall down.”
©2010, Paul Martin.
All rights reserved. May be used with attribution, but not for profit, without permission.
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