Led by the traitorous, unethical and utterly irresponsible Whole Foods Market conglomerate (already responsible for the close-to-monopoly of organic food distribution in this country and one of the largest distributors of food containing genetically modified organisms in the world), a group of “leading” organic and alternative food outlets has capitulated to Monsanto’s scheme to genetically modify Alfalfa—adding it to their arsenal of already genetically modified crops such as corn, canola, cotton and soy which dominate the foods we eat or which the animals we eat, eat, in the USA.
If you have a strong enough stomach, surf over to: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_22449.cfm and read what the director of the Organic Consumers Association has to say. He is a little more rational; a little more journalistic about this subject than I. But don’t leave here too quickly (I’ll give the link, again, at the bottom of this blog). ‘cause I have a little more to say.
Beginning with: “For goodness sake watch what you are eating.”
From as little as a few months from now, onward, the way has been cleared, for Monsanto and the other chemical giants in the Genetically Modified Organism business to, literally, own the food available to you. Period.
That food is, certainly, going to be genetically modified; patented; sterile so farmers have to repurchase every year rather than saving seeds; rife with untested and unnatural mutagenic and carcinogenic (purposely, conscientiously and consciously, genetically built-in) ingredients that will affect your intestinal tract; and will cause possible sterility and almost certain disease in yourself, your children, your parents, your friends, your neighbors and your enemies alike.
No one is going to be immune from this revolutionary marketing scheme, because no one can stop the wind from blowing seeds and pollen wherever it will.
So, in the name of “feeding the world”—which is how Monsanto has been marketing its genetically modified seeds—we will, in fact, be feeding Monsanto. No Monsanto/No Food.
When Band Aid asked for your money to stop starvation in Ethiopia, it was pretty easy to disassociate ourselves from the actual suffering by popping a check in the mail or giving our credit card numbers to a telephone operator. Try disassociating yourself from that same terrifying phenomenon here in America.
Starvation is caused, primarily, by greed. Weather gets involved there. And the way farmers have used or abused the ground they grow crops in. But the truth is, the main cause of starvation is human greed. How great a greed is it that drives Monsanto, that they can pride themselves on working toward a monopoly of the food supply? And how great a disaster does that monopoly usher in? And at what speed?
When you tinker with the fundamental, root genetic make-up of a food crop, altering it to the degree Monsanto already has with soy, canola, corn and cotton, for instance, things start to go awry. Farmers develop sterility. Their children suffer all sorts of cancers. Consumers come down with every possible allergy. Plant diversity begins to disappear. Human intestinal tracts lose the ability to produce the flora needed to complete successful and healthy digestion, producing an incredible increase in such maladies as Krohn’s Disease and Diverticulitis.
Does this sound familiar?
I bet you have someone in your family with a digestive disorder. You certainly have someone in your family who is overweight (another symptom brought on, in part, by genetically engineered food).
Do me a favor. Do us all a favor. Do yourself a favor: Write the president. Write Congress. Write your newspaper. Write your brother or your aunt or your best friend. Call The White House. Call Congress. (you get the point).
And, finally, as I leave you and my inaugural blog at this site, ask Whole Foods Market this one question: “How much Monsanto stock does the board and ownership of Whole Foods Market hold?”
And, finally, follow this link to find out how the organic food supply system has been subverted by corporate greed: https://www.msu.edu/~howardp/organicdistributors.html.
Research for yourselves so I don’t get shut down now I started. OK? Just remember to look very closely at the links between (and out of) Whole Foods Market and UNFI.
Check it all out for yourselves and leave me a note at grotkin@gmail.com
Don’t forget, surf over to: http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_22449.cfm.
And please: Think for yourself; research for yourself; and discuss everything with your friends and neighbors.
©2010, Paul Martin.
All rights reserved. May be used with attribution, but not for profit, without permission.
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